
“Learn where your starting point is and how to best start your fitness journey based on your current abilities. We teach you how to have self awareness so you get the best out of your training in a safe and fun setting


Develop new skills as you continue to reinforce and improve upon old ones so that you are consistently being challenged and pushing towards your goals. We will help you develop new skills so that you continue to develop mentally and physically.


Grow into the individual you set out to be and continue to become the best you can. We will help guide you to set new goals and help create realistic habits that will lead to a fun and healthy lifestyle.

Personal Training

Person training is the fastest way to achieve your goals. When you train one on one you are provided with instant feedback and correction to make sure you get the best bang for buck during your training sessions. We will help push you to achieve things you didn’t think were possible and help create a healthy relationship when it come to training. Whether you are brand new to training or have experience we have the expertise to develop personalized training routines and programs that will not only teach you how to train but will also help create habits that will last a lifetime.

Want to look and feel stronger?

Strength can be observed in just about every physical pursuit. Whether it is a seemingly simple task such and walking up a flight of stairs and cleaning up your house or whether it be a high skill task such as a top-speed sprint or executing a maximal lift, demonstrations of strength require a well-coordinated movement via a group of muscular contractions.

Primal Performance is your training destination if you have a high-level performance-based goal, or simply want to become stronger to improve the ease of your daily activities or reach your genetic potential for strength. The key to building a stronger individual lays within a personal commitment to achieving optimal joint mechanics and movement patterns in the nervous system.

Want to drop body fat to reveal a lean and athletic physique?

Getting you to the physical shape you want to be in will require a combined effort of proper training protocols, nutrition, sleep and a multitude of other lifestyle habits. These are all important variables no matter what your health and fitness goal may be, but they are especially important when altering the appearance of one’s physique.

Primal Performance will work with you to develop life-long strategies to guarantee you pack on the muscle you want, and shed the body fat you don’t want without the yo-yo effects of most weight loss programs.

Looking for relief from foot, ankle, knee, hip, back, shoulder or neck pain?

Do you regularly see a physiotherapist or chiropractor to treat the same recurring injury or imbalance? Perhaps posture is becoming an issue, but has not yet led to any pain? If this sounds familiar, Primal Performance can address your body’s mechanics, postural issues and injury prevention and rehabilitation. Through proper progression you can learn how to fix your issues and eliminate weakness throughout the body. We will help you to understand the causes of the issues and become aware of how to fix and prevent further injury or imbalances.

Poor posture and less than optimal length tension relationships of muscles in the body provide a breeding ground for improper muscle firing sequences and neurological responses. This can lead to a variety of stresses to joints and other connective tissue. Through proper rehabilitation you can learn how joints work together and ultimately correct your biomechanical issue. You will discover when and where your “safe zones” are for play and exercise and when your body is ready to progress to more challenging, classical strength-based movements in your training.

Want to move more efficiently, increase your energy or improve your overall wellbeing?

All of Primal Performance’s programming is designed to incorporate the mind, body and soul. Results are exponentially greater when all three of these components are addressed simultaneously and the outcome is an overall feeling of wellness. It’s that simple. We address the body as a whole unit that has many different working parts which must function in harmony in order for the individual to be healthy. This includes everything from a strong immune system to an optimal body fat percentage to superior posture. At PP, we will work with you to develop life-long strategies to aid in all of these departments so that you have the highest potential for a greater quality of life.

Online Training and Coaching

We help busy professionals build muscle and strength so they look and perform better in and outside of work.

Can’t work with us in person? No problem! We got you. This is where the world wide web really shines.

Online coaching is a fantastic way to reach your fitness goals that works with your schedule.

Package One

  • 1 Month
  • Assessment
  • Custom Tailored Program
  • Access to Training App
  • Email Support

Package Two

  • 3 Months
  • Assessment
  • Custom Tailored Program
  • Access to Training App
  • Email Support

Package Three

  • 6 Months
  • Assessment
  • Custom Tailored Program
  • Access to Training App
  • Email Support

Get Your FREE E-Guide On Our TOP 2 Exercises To Improve Your Posture

Group Training

Available On Request

We offer customized workshops and seminars to improve technique and optimize performance, health, function, fitness and overall wellness!

We come to you with programs designed to meet the needs of your specific group. Our programs are a phenomenal way to tweak performance and re-energize athletes on their path to achieve their goals – whether for competition or general health and wellness.

Prices are based on location and group size.


1 on 1 training is done “in person” with either coach at one of the toronto facilities.  The online training is for anyone that can’t work 1 on 1 with a coach but need help along their journey. Work with us from anywhere in the world via the online option.

Mon-Fri: 6am-8pm
Saturday: 8am-4pm
Sunday: Closed

No designated childcare but your children are welcome to accompany you to any session

There is no long term contract to sign, so cancel anytime.

If less than 24 hours notice is given to cancel, you will be charged for the session.

YES! click here now to book

If you train with either coach for 1 on 1 sessions, programming is included.

No, gym use is only during 1 on 1 sessions.


Ready to make a life change? We’re thrilled to help you along your path to a fit and healthy life. Our experts take great pride in helping achieve your goals.